Welcome to the Mary Riley Styles Public Library Catalog!
We welcome suggestions for purchase and do our best to accommodate these recommendations based on vendor availability and adherence to our collection development policy. However, to streamline the process, we no longer reply to individual suggestions or place reserves on suggested titles. Suggest a title...
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What's Hot
2024-2025 Virginia Reader's Choice — |
Kids/Teens: Starting Out in YA — |
Kids: If you like Diary of a Wimpy Kid — |
Kids: If you like Harry Potter — |
Kids: If you like Percy Jackson — |
Newbery Medal Winners — |
The 1899 Collection — |
Electronic Resources
Sorry, access to electronic resources is suspended until issues are resolved. Please see My Account for details.
HeritageQuest Login Needed In-Library Use Only HeritageQuest genealogy resource |
Magzter Login Needed In-Library Use Only Access thousands of digital magazines - like The New Yorker, Women's Health, Vanity Fair, and US Weekly - using your browser or using the Magzter Library app for Android or iOS. |
Consumer Reports Login Needed In-Library Use Only A nonprofit organization providing unbiased product ratings and reviews since 1936. We put over 4000 products through rigorous testing each year. |
Libby Login Needed In-Library Use Only Access the library’s digital collection of eBooks, downloadable audiobooks, and magazines through OverDrive or Libby. |
LibriVox Login Needed In-Library Use Only Public domain recordings of public domain literature. Plays anywhere! |
MasterFILE Complete Login Needed In-Library Use Only MasterFILE Complete offers the largest collection of the most popular full-text magazines, journals, and other highly-regarded sources from the world's leading publishers, covering virtually every subject area of general interest. |
NoveList Plus Login Needed In-Library Use Only Need help figuring out what fiction you may like? Try a read-alike list- who writes like your favorite author?- or flip through book discussions and genres. Find a novel you like, your way! |
NoveListK8 Plus Login Needed In-Library Use Only NoveList K-8 allows children in kindergarten through grade 8, parents, and teachers to identify books appropriate for children's reading abilities and interests. You can search by author, title, series, reading level, and plot to find great suggestions of titles to read. |